Wondering why?
Yes i have this real real real desire to be free, free from all the emotions.
I want to be on my own.
I want to be free from pain, sadness. Well wait all i am doing is just listing synonyms to LOVE.
I do not want to exist anywhere around love.
Well now when i see the 16 year olds walking hand in hand the first thing that troubles the shit out of my lil two bits is, what sort of magic would have brought them together?
It is as incomprehensible to me as a foreign language with different alphabets.
Don't y'all effing lil things know that it's not too much of a fun when you make someone a habit.
Cuz that habit is not gonah be with you forever.
I've come across so many relations and till date haven't found a single one working out.
All i see is the couples cheating on each other at some point of time.
Guy cheating on his girl with the girls best friend.
Girl cheating on her guy fo some stranger who promised to keep her happy.
AND YES OFCOURSE the most common of all cheating someone for ex-lover .. Many more..
And i don't understand like WHY in the world only 'I' had to witness all this..
Well after wasting my time for 2 years and not believing in what i saw around me i finally now have understood, THERE'S NOTHING CALLED AS TRUE LOVE!
People are so paranoid about getting ditched in a way or other by their partner, well why not?
They've earned thier straight ticket to paranoia, Since there nothing left to trust.
Trust is something which takes a long time to develop.
If not for trust i don't think the lil bit of relations out there would have been pulling it off till the end.
And lack of trust just makes love practically impossible.
Even if any miracle takes place, such kind of love is bound to fade away BIG TIME.
Plus to the various factors that add to a relationship -- the DISTRACTION and EXPECTATIONS is what i am talking about.
Well i would rather say that expectations and distractions are directly proportional to each other. HAHA!
Listen to this logic carefully,
When you don't fulfil the expectation there's always someone else to distract your partner who inturn fills the void created by the huge expectations.
And also vice versa, like -- When there's distraction, the expectations shoot up to the maximum level automatically.
Simple it is.
Guys want a variety or they'll leave you.
Well hello how much of a variety your mom was?
It's high time they should try to be a realistic lover.
And also should accept that they can't have everything in this world.
Not only guys, there are girls who'd dessert you if you are broke..
Like i am not even kidding, A friend of mine actually happens to wear guys on her sleeves.
she dusts them off if they can't spend on her.
Well this again is an unrealistic expectation girls have.
I mean your guy generally is of the same age as yours.
If you're studying, so is he.
And in that case HOW on the earth is he supposed to earn for you?
ALSO the few amazing issues that left me hating guys,
one of the chicks who told me how does her one helluva boyfriend, a highly nymphomaniac jerk just uses her for sleeping business.
And that he hits her and takes away all her sallary.
I mean c'mon how paralyzed are you by love that you couldn't leave such a chut.
Other case where the guy drinks and abuses the chick.
Another case where the 19 year old is on the verge of becoming a mom, and her guy has no sense of resposiblity towards her.
Still she craves for that jerk. So blinded by love, aren't you?
Well wait why are we getting into all the complexities of irresponsible people?
You'd never know what do they think about you.
Coming back to the simpler issues,
Lack of understanding ..
Like when you're in love you don't care what the rest of the people think you're.
Only that one persons take on you matters.
Plus when the partner refuses to accept you the way you're, it's damn sad.
You rather should go commit suidcide than planning to stay in the relationship.
Plus Relationship shouldn't be of the kinds where you aren't free to do anything.
If it's costing your freedom, then it obviously isn't worth the efforts.
They should trust you enough to set you free and to let you talk and express your way out.
Too much of crap involved no?
This is the sole reason why i am running away.
I do not want to change myself.
Neither do i want to be disappointed knowing that i am not too efficient for the who-so-ever partner.
Also that i immensely HATE the cheating business.
And i dont think i am much capable of tolerating the no freedom issue.
PLUS i hate math so much that i don't want to deal with the entire distraction & expectation equation..
I'd rather stay alone through out my life, than giving myself away to any random jerk.
P.S. Stay single. Live happy. Die proud.
P.P.S. I know you'd want to say that there are exceptions .. well those exceptions dont really remain exclusive for too long.
P.P.P.S I don't know if it's my imagination or is it for real that i've finally found something worth living for. Contradicts to my post no? But yes MUSIC it is. If not for music i'd be dead by now.
**Plays Brain damage by Pink Floyd**

The lunatic is on the grass The lunatic is on the grass remembering games and daisy chains and laughs got to keep the loonies on the path The lunatic is in the hall the lunatics are in the hall the paper holds their folded faces to the floor and every day the paper boy brings more
full lyrics