Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Age is just a number.

"I never want to be old
And I don't want dependants
It's no fun to be told
That you can't blame your parents anymore "
- Steven Wilson. (Sentimental)

So much sense these 4 lines make.

How many of us actually want to grow up?
Be responsible?
Take responsiblities of your own self and the other few who'll depend on you, like almost 10 years from now?
It's so easy to be young, immature, foolish.
It's so easy to run and cling to your parents when you're in trouble.
It's easy to blame someone for your mistakes.
In short, It's so easy for us to run from whats coming tomorrow.

I myself somehow happen to hate the entire concept of growing up.
I dont wanna grow up.
I want to day dream my afternoon away.
I want to waste my weekends with friends.
I want hangovers, every monday.
I want to be taken care of.
I want to spend my day lazing around, chilling and listening to music.
I want everything i now am, as a child.

How i wish i could be more like Peter Pan and never grow up :)
But just as you know you're growing old you learn to take responsibilities.
Fearing responsibilities and refusing to accept them are two different things.
I have my responsibilities and i understand them perfectly.
But some how i fear the ones coming.

All you polished people who refuse to accept that they fear tomorrow - are nothing but children with zillions of layers of adult consciousness.
Deep inside you know you fear responsibillities as much as i do.
So far the favourite part my my day has been only nights. Cuz every next morning is just gonah make you old and sure as hell it'll come with a new responsibility everytime.
When you're a kid the desire to have a Xbox gets replaced by the desire to have Ferrari as you grow old and you keep working on it. Except that you dint have to earn your dreams for the former.
Dreams are just channels that connet you to your inner child.
Trust them.
There's so much you can love about life, only if you accept to face the child in you every morning you wake up.
It's only the acceptance that will unburden your ever-growing responsibilites.
Don't kill your inner child.
It would just make you someone else, someone so weak.
When the original purpose of life seems to have lost a connection with you ; your un-ending youth is the only antidote. And why not, good thing about still being a child is the unbribed imagination, curosity to learn & enthusiasm.

Remeber - Tomorrows not just consuming you, me or him- It's consuming US ALL!
Everything will be easy JUST-
"Trust yourself, your innerself.
Trust the child in you" :)

*Hits the play button. Sits back listening to Sentimental*

Seema :)


  1. HAhahha..my dad does not want to grow up too at 55 :P

    He still goes on doing what makes him happy, he still does get into that once in a while expressway race with a racer boy, he still loves his beer, he still WANTS TO Live life, he still is my best friend :)

    As for me, i am consumed by wanting to start a life with a job, money bla bla and kinda spoiling my today in a worries :)

    Very well written, loved the honesty and the errr LESSON !!!

    Cheers, keep writing..i ll keep reading :)

  2. Hahaha! Your dad's awesome.
    For the people who dint understand the awesomeness he is, will now know how dumb they were :D
    And thanks..
    I'll keep posting..
    Not this month though i am consumed too by universities and stuffs..
    So see you around :)
