Monday, January 11, 2010

My first blog ever!

Yeah so lemme start..

*Receives a text message*
Hmph! Kd.. yuck he really wants me to fuck up my very first attempt to post something/anything..!
P.S. Kd stop distracting me when i am writing my blog. We can talk JP later. :P

Okay, coming back to my post.. Yeah so this is my very first attempt to blogging..
The reason why i am blogging is because i am a person who loves to re-live every best moment of my life.. And i feel apart from pictures, maintaining a diary and stuffs, blogging is one of the best way to retain memories.. So that 10 years from now, or rather WHENEVER i want to look back at old days of my life, i can just read them here.. I repent not having burn down the old diaries. But nevertheless - Life always has something new/shocking for you in store.. And yeah, my blog would be entirely on what and how do I take things in life.. I suggest you to not take things rather personally.. If i say something i would just be voicing my opinion.. Feel free to comment though :)
So this is it now..
See you'll soon..

Seema :)


  1. Gal tk writing seriouslyur blgs reli niceeeei lykd it a lot .. & v share sum serious name similarities .. i lyk the way you r.....Muuuahh!

  2. Haha! Yeah i noticed..
    And yep i am not sure if i can come up with things like this all the time.. its random and the pace is too low for me to post too often :P
