Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My note to The Bipolar Kids!

*Returns from college-watches her mom watching News channel-Sits and actually hears-60 sudcides over past two and half month-WTF!*

I don't understand why are the 12 years old doing this to themselves. When i was 12 i was to naive to even know what Suicide's all about. Everyone has bad phases in life, that doesn't mean you end your life. Children these days don't understand, they think suicide is a way to rather escape showing the marksheet to their parents. Well if the students are seeing suicide as an option to quit all the problems in life, it's the teachers & paretns ofcourse- who should take the responsibilty of understanding the child and understanding his interests. And it's not just one incident why the child commits suicide, feelings of anger, resentment and guilt can lead to self-destructive acts. So you know, it's not 'the car denied' or 'the exam failed' that leads to their self destructive act, rather it is months of pent up emotions which is triggered by any one incident. Parents and teachers should take the initiative to talk to the teens. Teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and physical changes they experience. When teen's moods disrupt their ability to function on a day-to day basis, it indicates a serious emotional/mental disorder, a freaking adolescent depression. That needs ATTENTION!

Why more then 95% of people judge a student on the basis of his/her marksheet?
Why do paretns not accept their child's limited excellence?
Why do parents want their child to be everythign they couldn't be?

Excellence if not 100% doesn't mean the child is failure. It's a high time parents should STOP enforcing their dreams on their children. Teachers should STOP underestimating their students. And the low lives i mean the educationists, you'll need to understand - "Education is JUST a framework of learning and nothing more."I am not telling you to stop craving for excellence, but expect excellence from those who WANT to excel in that field.

There's so much more in life for a 16 year old, a 12 year old-for teens in general. They are just too young. All you bi-polar kids should understand -Bad scores are just a bad phase too. I know it's demoralising, but you have to pick yourself up and get on with life. Do what you want to do. Explain your parents what you want and what you don't want in life. Confide in you parents, they'll take it far better than what you can imagine.

P.S. If it is you who is harboring thoughts of suicide, don't be ashamed. All of us think of ending our life one time or another. Talk it out with- your parents, friends or someone you trust about your feelings.

P.P.S. Always ask for help.


Seema :)


  1. I am Darpok?
    And whaat am i afraid of?

  2. Umesh- shut up!
    CMA - butifly wrtn ... I lykd this a lotttt 2.....

  3. @ Seema, you know him? :O
    & Thanks for the compliment

  4. Okkk..BIPOLAR! It is a condition when there is excessive mania followed by depression, depending upon the diagnosis, whether it is Bipolar 1, or Bipolar 2. Anyhow, you mentioned many times that parents/teachers should talk about it. Bipolar is more of a psychiatry case rather than psychological. So, talking therapy won't work much. And the statement where you mentioned that, emotions are built up gradually, and then a triggering factor is required to manifest it into a proper bipolar case, well unfortunately it is not true. Bipolar has a genetic bas and the symptoms starts appearing from early teen. AND...WHY just focusing on the suicide aspect? Bipolar medicines like Lithium or sodium valporate. These are commonly prescribed which has hideous side effects. One may die, just because after seeing such side effects.

    Now....I AM SORRY for being such an ass on commenting so critically. I am a psychology student, anything related to psychological disorder is close to me, specially Bipolar.
    And great going girl.....great writing. Some lines just blows our nuts off while i say to myself - "WOhh....now this girl has a point"!

    Good luck
