Monday, April 12, 2010

Lights, camera -MOURN! :|

I've started to dislike emotions a lot.
And also that how these emotions just take a toll over you when you're sad.
Just plain and ugly everything seems.
You start thinking everyone's being so unfair.
Everything is so sad.
You wish all that you've lost comes back.
You start missing the moments that once made you laugh.
You ignore everything you have right now.
You focus more on what's gone, and certainly is never coming back.

Ya i am damn sad right now.
And i am feeling like a douche bag.
For everything i just let go.

I could have fought back my parents and would have never got shifted.
Just a small shift of residence, changed everything so drastically.
Crazy new world.
I never thought i'll be living something unusual.
I miss you Radhika, i miss every bit of the daily lukhagiri we did.
I miss every moment that i spent in ghatkopar which are now just memories.
I miss my old home.
All i can cherish is the memory of the pleasure i got when my only love rex; my pet, was around me.
I miss everything about you rex.
I miss every lil fight i had with my childhood friends, every next promise we made to never fight again.
I miss sitting on my usual place in the playground at the wee hours n miss star gazing.
I miss saving that whores not so sexy arse, who happened to break my life into infinite pieces.
I miss not being in the same area as my friends are.
I miss my school, the college - everything.
You wouldn't get the opportunity to read this Maitri, but i miss you ton.
I miss every lil thing about the seema-radhi-maitri trio.
I miss paras's guju accent.
I miss seeing my school friends every weekend.
I hate that i now dont have anything to replace the time of the day i spent with that jerk.
I hate that i fail to see if someone/something's filling the gap.
I hate everything about not seeing my friends for a long time.
I hate all the false promises.
I hate the pretentiousness, people now are so used to.
I hate the every bit of practicality the jerk spoke about.
I hate that everyone's getting over all these moments that i heart - A LOT.
I hate that i am too paralyzed to not get over it.
I hate not being practical.
I hate myself for being so skeptical.

I hate everything about not being able to say what i want to.

P.S. Just avoid the post. It's sadness :|
P.P.S. ...............
P.P.P.S .....................................

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